
How much can VoCoVo save your business?

Save money in four ways with VoCoVo.

Article by Olivia Robinson | 10th March 2022

VoCoVo is all about efficiency. With our help, you can serve customers faster and make better use of the colleagues in your team. Not only is this great news for customers- it’s also great news for your bank balance. 

We’ve conducted extensive research into the ways that our system can save you money. These savings fall into four main categories:

  • Increasing task efficiency
  • Speeding up self-checkout
  • Reducing walking distance
  • Unmanning desks and counters

In this blog we’ll take a look at each in turn, before calculating exactly how much money you could save. 

1. Increase task efficiency

Many colleagues struggle to make the most of their time. This is through no fault of their own. The shop floor is a chaotic place,  and work is often interrupted by customer questions. 

Our survey of retail colleagues found that almost half struggled to deal with multiple customers while working. A further 40% said that effective multitasking would make them more productive. This is where we can help:

  • Headsets allow colleagues to find information for customers without stopping their work
  • Hands-free design lets colleagues perform manual tasks while answering questions
  • Telephony integration means that colleagues can take external calls without leaving the shop floor

By enabling multitasking, we can save the average store 105 minutes a day in task efficiency. This translates into a monetary saving of $111 a week, or $5,749 a year. 

Find out more about the top challenges facing colleagues:

2. Speed up self-checkout

Self-checkouts can be challenging for colleagues. Many find themselves tied to the area all day, rushing between machines to authorise purchases. 

Almost half of colleagues believe that speeding up the checkout process is the key to improving productivity. Luckily, we have the perfect solution:

  • Headsets can be integrated with self-checkouts to alert colleagues as soon as an authorisation is needed
  • This system allows you to cover the self-checkout area with fewer colleagues 
  • Removing one colleague from the area can save you $702 a week, or $36,504 a year 

3. Reduce walking distance

Walking is a major cause of inefficiency on the shop floor. This is especially true in large stores with multiple departments. 43% of colleagues feel that improving connectivity between departments would increase their productivity, and this is where our headsets come into their own:

  • Colleagues can contact other departments at the push of a button
  • You can check stock or find information for customers without leaving their side
  • Our multi-cell base units provide a flawless signal, even across multiple floors

VoCoVo reduces walking distance by up to 1.4km a day. This translates into an average weekly saving of $316 per store, or an annual saving of $16,425.

4. Unman desks and counters

Customer service desks are a vital point of contact between colleagues and customers. However, they are often only busy at certain times of the day. By placing a call point in these areas, you can greatly improve efficiency:

  • Customers press the call point to let nearby colleagues know their location
  • Customers can explain their problem to a colleague via their headset
  • The nearest colleague can attend to the customer or, if you upgrade to a two way call point, can answer their question remotely 

Removing one colleague from a customer service desk can save you $594 a week, or $30,888 a year.

Spectacular savings

Now for the all important question- how much can you save in total? By adding together these four savings, we arrive at an estimated annual saving of $89,566. Since the average VoCoVo installation costs around $8,800, this means that the system will pay for itself in a matter of weeks.

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